Page 235: Peculiar, Indeedy


It appears that Eldrick’s trail has brought more than just one party to Plumbroke.

In other news, unless this fixes itself (which it’s done once before), you may be noticing some problems with the page navigation buttons on this site (previous page, next page, etc.). I haven’t changed anything with the site; rather, it appears Squarespace (which is the platform I use for this site) has been making changes, breaking the highly customized settings I’ve been using for years (super frustrating!). Finding time to troubleshoot and fix these kinds of issues is difficult (fixing them can be difficult and time consuming too), so please bear with me.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 234: Tracking Junior


It’s been a while since we last checked in this mysterious group. Here is where we last saw them.

UPDATE: Whoops! Looks like I posted this page early this week. Oh, well. :)


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 180: No Legionnaire, Mr. Quint


I don’t know what it is about these four characters… but I find them some of the easiest in the series to write for. We change scenery next week and are introduced to some new characters…


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 179: I'll Handle This


Looks like someone familiar is headed this way.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 178: A Terrible Idea


It’s been a while since we last saw this bunch. I wonder where they’re headed…


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 129: What Shall I Call You?



Next week, we zip across to another scene taking place on the western edge of the Midlands (you can find the Map of the Midlands at the bottom of this page). Spoiler alert -- more blood awaits us.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 128: Three Masters


Nothing like curling up in front of a fire with a nice cup of hot tea. Here's introducing Master Galen and Master Virgil (who may not be just any Master, apparently). Tune in next week to find out more. ;)

Also, a random question for readers -- what are you most interested in seeing and learning more about in HELM? I have multiple concepts for future story arcs and rough outlines for several issues/books; however, I'm about a third of the way into writing the script for HELM #7 and tend to leave the page-by-page details off until I begin writing a new chapter. I'd love to get opinions on what readers want more of, so it can help inform some of the details in upcoming pages in #7 and beyond.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 127: An Eventful Night


We kick things off with a few new characters. Introducing Mr. Quint and Master Kuzo. Let's head downstairs next week to see who else might await us. :)


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.